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Email Member Services or call (859) 276-0686 to join today! Learn more about levels of membership and dues below.

Formed in 1989, ALGA is a recognized professional organization dedicated to improving the quality of local government auditing.

As of 2024, we have members in 35 of the 50 U.S. states; the District of Columbia; the U.S. territories of Guam, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands; and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. We welcome organizations of all sizes around the globe and value your participation and leadership!


ALGA is a consistent and strong resource for you and all local government auditors. We provide you an excellent value in a variety of areas:


  • ALGA offers excellent continuing professional education opportunities for local government auditors at affordable member rates. This includes annual conferences, webinars, and regional trainings.
  • The ALGA Annual Conference is the premier national training event for local government auditors. Attendance has grown yearly, and now routinely hosts over 1,000 virtual and in-person attendees.

Peer Review Program:

  • ALGA offers full members a low-cost, high-quality peer review program to meet compliance with professional standards for both Red Book and Yellow Book organizations.

A Unified Voice:

Through the Advocacy and Professional Issues Committees, ALGA:

  • Advocates to support independent auditing at the local and state/provincial levels.
  • Provides materials that support the local government community.
  • Provides input from the local government audit perspective to standard-setting bodies.

Other Resources:

Members have access to several valuable resources, such as:

Words from our Members

Ross Visscher, Audit Manager (IT) City of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"ALGA provided me with valuable opportunities to connect with other local government auditors through volunteering and at training events. These opportunities have supported my professional development within the local government auditing profession."

Courtney Smith, Internal Auditor, Spring Independent School District, Houston, TX

"Membership in ALGA has been an excellent resource for our office. ALGA has provided opportunities to network and serve in volunteer capacities."

Van Lee, Lifetime Member

"In my 30+ years as a local government auditor, ALGA has been my singular go to source for the most current professional advice and training opportunities. ALGA has resulted in the creation of a network of life-long friends throughout the United States and Canada."

Kymber Waltmunson, County Auditor, King County, WA

"ALGA gave me the tools I needed to succeed as a new auditor and now, as a CAE, they are helping to celebrate my team’s successes."

Become a Member!

Email Member Services or call (859) 276-0686 to join today!

ALGA offers the following membership categories. The dues year is July 1 through June 30.

Organizational Membership

Available to local government audit organizations (all units of government except state/national). Cost is based on the total number of auditors in your organizations.

Annual dues:

  • 1-2 auditors: $220
  • 3-5 auditors: $315
  • 6-10 auditors: $585
  • 11-15 auditors: $835
  • 16-25 auditors: $1,120
  • 26+ auditors: $1,355

Associate Membership

Available to non-local government organizations (such as state or federal government entities), CPA firms, and other interested individuals not eligible for regular membership. Retired members would fall into this category at the first tier. Lifetime members in ALGA receive a free associate membership.

Please note that Associate Membership does not include peer review services.

Annual dues:

  • 1-2 auditors: $110
  • 3-5 auditors: $160
  • 6-10 auditors: $290
  • 11-15 auditors: $415
  • 16-25 auditors: $565
  • 26+ auditors: $680


Non-members may register for a free account on ALGA's website to attend training events.


Frequently Asked Questions

ALGA is a consistent and strong resource for you and all local government auditors. We provide you an excellent value in a variety of areas:

  • ALGA has seen expanded use of our advocacy efforts as more audit organizations’ purpose is challenged.
  • ALGA is a recognized professional association whose input is valued by standard setting bodies through our feedback on standard setting exposure drafts and through a position on GASAC.
  • ALGA’s peer review program is unrivaled in providing benefits to organizations in addressing compliance with professional standards (yellow and red book peer reviews).
  • ALGA continues to offer excellent continuing professional education through training and increased webinars and regional trainings.
We should be able to change you over in the database without a problem.  If there are any issues, please contact ALGA Member Services.

Retired members will pay for a membership of one individual.

ALGA will establish professional agreements with professional associations, such as AGA, NASACT, the Intergovernmental Audit Form, etc. Dues for other organizations will be based on the size of the organization. For a few of our associate members, we will have to use professional judgment on what constitutes the “organization”. For example, for a state audit organization, it would be based on the size of the audit function, rather than the broader organization. Please contact ALGA Member Services to discuss.

Once you've joined ALGA, make sure to designate a Chief Audit Executive in your member record. This helps ALGA committees and the ALGA Board of Directors keep your shop included.