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New officers and at-large members elected, join board for 2024-25

Saturday, May 18, 2024  
Posted by: Kristen Clark, ALGA Communications Liaison

Photos of officers and members elected in 2024, from left to right: Harrison, Rorschach, Rice, Smith, and Thompson

Three new officers and one new at-large member are joining the ALGA Board of Directors for 2024-25, and one at-large member was reelected to the board for a second term.

The candidates elected were:

  • President-Elect Kathie Harrison, City of Austin, TX.
  • Secretary Madison Rorschach, City of Denton, TX.
  • Strategic Plan Officer Lori Rice, City of Oklahoma City, OK.
  • At-Large Member Courtney Smith, City of Houston, TX.
  • At-Large Member Kelsey Thompson, City of Austin, TX.

The election was held earlier this month by email ballot with all full ALGA members eligible to participate; about 300 members participated in voting. The results were announced Thursday during the annual business meeting with 100 members in attendance.

Harrison, Rorschach, and Rice ran unopposed. Smith and Thompson were the two highest vote-earners out of six candidates for the two available at-large seats; the race was decided using the ranked-choice voting method, which ALGA members approved in 2023
for contested races.

The secretary, strategic plan officer, and at-large members serve two-year terms. The president-elect serves for one year, before taking over as president.

Congratulations to our newest officers and board members, whose service to ALGA will further our advancement of the local government auditing profession!